Special Education
The goal of special education is to meet the educational needs of students within the least restrictive environment. Whether that means providing consultation to the general education teacher or providing a highly specialized teaching environment for a student our programs must be as diversified as our students.
Below are some of the continuum of alternative placement options offered for students at our school.
Monitor- This type of program is used with students showing mild level of support needs. Monitoring and feedback is done with the classroom teacher and parents to support the student's needs.
Consultation- This type of program will typically include the special education teacher/educational assistant/therapist consulting closely with the classroom teacher(s) about the ongoing needs of the student and provide feedback to the classroom teacher(s) about the student's performance in target areas.
Inclusion/General Education- This type of program is designed to provide a way for the student to receive specially designed instruction and/or related services (SLP, OT, etc.) within the general education classroom setting. All staff (GE teacher, SE teacher, SLP, OT, etc.) collaborate to ensure the student receives appropriate instruction and therapy services. The needed supports are delivered in a manner that does not single out students but rather provides an opportunity to access the general education curriculum.
Pullout- This type of program is designed to provide a way for the student to receive specially designed instruction and/or related services (SLP, OT, etc.) although in a segregated setting. This setting allows for students to be taught specific curriculum and/or strategies (such as writing, listening, or speaking).
Self-Contained/Small Group- This type of program is designed for students who have disabilities that require a maximum amount of specially designed instruction and/or related services to address the student's needs. Students typically receive services from a variety of staff (SE teacher, Educational Assistant, SLP, OT, etc.) to implement the students' program.
Parent Support group for Parents with Students with Autism
This is an ongoing Parent Support group that meets the first Wednesday of every month facilitated by the RRPS District Autism Specialist, Lisa Eckelkamp. This is a great opportunity to share information with other parents and get ideas for strategies and supports for home.
Waldon, Amala
Business: 892-0220
Email: amala.waldon@rrps.net
Site Specialist

NM Autism Society
http://www.nmautismsociety.org/Dyslexia Web Links
Southwestern International Dyslexia Association